March into Spring

Mandy Eve-BarnettInspiration

horse lying in flowers

As Canadians, we know the length of our winters and the ‘false’ springs that promise warmth and dash our hopes. When the actual release of winter’s grip arrives there is an emergence, much like a bear from hibernation, into the outside world. The first flush of chlorophyll is a welcomed sight with leaf buds unfurling on grey branches, and grass … Read the article

Why Green for St. Patrick’s Day

Mandy Eve-BarnettHistory, Inspiration

Deep in the Forest - Marla Wilson

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches we accept that the multitude of celebratory items are green, but why is that?  Ireland is known for its forty or more lush greens spanning the rolling hills and vales of the landscape. This is due to the mild climate and consistent rainfall making verdant greenery visible all year round. However, the term Emerald Isle … Read the article

Blue Monday – Art is a mood booster

Mandy Eve-BarnettArt, Inspiration

Image for Blog Jan 2025

We are all conscious of the effect of the aptly named Blue Monday, but did you know its origins? In American literature in the 1830’s it referred to the state of the labour workforce after the consequences of weekend drinking and the association of a depressed state of mind being called ‘blue’. Sky Travel labelled the day – 20th January … Read the article

Unique, Heartfelt Christmas Gifts

Mandy Eve-BarnettGift, Inspiration

A Star For Christmas Trisha Romance

This Christmas, don’t be scrambling for that unique gift for your relatives, and friends. Create a one-of-a-kind custom-framed treasure. Instead, go for the unusual and delight in the surprised faces on Christmas morning instead of the usual.  Still, trying to figure out what that could be? Here are a few ideas: A creatively framed picture of the grandchildren for Grandma … Read the article

Capture Summer’s Beauty

Mandy Eve-BarnettArt, Inspiration

Summer Lagoon - Richard Mravik

As Albertans, summer holds a special place in our lives. It is a time to explore and enjoy the great outdoors. Gone are the frigid temperatures of winter, the isolation indoors, and some may say ‘cabin fever’. Like no other place on earth, we celebrate the joys of warmth and sunshine, fresh air, lush greenery, blossoms, and the emergence of … Read the article

Creating a Unique Gift for Dad

Mandy Eve-BarnettGift, Inspiration

Our Favourite Spot - John Weiss

As we approach Father’s Day and make plans for celebrations and ponder on a unique gift to give, we look back on the history of this important day. The first Father’s Day was celebrated on 19 th June 1910 in Washington, it was not, however until 1972 that it became an official nationwide holiday in the United States. Here in … Read the article

Moments Frozen in Time

Mandy Eve-BarnettDécor, Inspiration

Making Memories by artist John Weiss

As we endure the extreme freezing temperatures of winter in Alberta, the images displayed on our walls, remind us of warmer climes, happy events, and smiling faces. These images give us welcomed inner warmth. In essence a painting or photograph is a moment frozen in time. Amid the celebrations, family moments, and explorations of life, we can stop time with … Read the article

Every Picture Tells a Story – 70 Year Old Military Keepsakes

Picture This! GalleryFraming Stories, Inspiration, Picture Framing

A Unique Military Collage (1)

Flight Sergeant L. J. O. Roberts was a WWII bomber pilot brought down in May 1942. At the time, his younger sister was only around 12 years old and for over 70 years she kept an envelope in her dresser of her older brother’s items and various military keepsakes. Recently, her son Lloyd brought in the collection of military memorabilia … Read the article

A Special Gift for a Loved One – Framing a 45 Vinyl Record – “You’re in My Heart”

Picture This! GalleryFraming Stories, Inspiration, Picture Framing

Blog - Framing a 45 Record (1)

Looking for the perfect gift for a loved one? Here’s a fantastic idea: frame a treasured item or memento with special significance and it’ll be sure to bring joy and delight to your loved one. Lana Milner had this in mind when she recently visited Picture This to frame a gift for her sister. The special item is a 45 … Read the article