Artist Dennis Magnusson

Biography of
Dennis Magnusson

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Born and raised on a farm in Alberta, Dennis showed artistic talent in high school, but went on to college and was consumed by music and the business world for 35 years, living in Edmonton, Kingston, Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver. His talent lay dormant until he started drawing and painting with a pent-up vengeance in 1998. Now retired from business and living in Vancouver, Dennis devotes his full time to the visual arts. His current passion is oversized acrylic paintings of flowers. Dennis’ original paintings can be found in galleries throughout Alberta and British Columbia.

Dennis Magnusson has taken drawing and acrylic painting courses, but his style and many of his techniques are self-developed.

Current passions include detailed pencil creations, and bold, bright flowers in acrylic.  “I believe that flowers are Mother Nature’s finest gifts to us all.  The varieties of shapes and colours are endless, and I enjoy the challenge of capturing that beauty on canvas.”

The artist is a member of “Artfully Yours” artist group and an active member of the Federation of Canadian Artists

Honolulu Hibiscus - Dennis Magnusson
Rose Pearls - Dennis Magnusson
White Cornflower - Dennis Magnusson
Plumeria Passion - Dennis Magnusson