Biography of
Alan Wylie
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Alan Wylie was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1938. In 1960 he graduated from the Glasgow School of Art with a degree in Mural Design and Mosaics. He immigrated to Nova Scotia in 1967 and began a career as a full-time artist, teacher, and Art Gallery owner. In 1974 he moved to British Columbia and now lives in the historical village of Fort Langley with his artist wife, Janice Robertson.
Throughout his career, Alan has participated in 73 solo shows, and innumerable group exhibitions, and has won many prestigious awards in Canada and the United States, including the Spilsbury Gold Medal (four times) of the Federation of Canadian Artists, Vancouver, the Grand Prize at the First Annual On The Edge International Exhibition in Canada, the Gold Medal of the California Watercolor Association, San Francisco, the Rouse Gold Medallion at the Adirondacks International Exhibition of American Watercolors, New York, the High Winds Medal (twice), the CFS Medal, the Mario Cooper and Dale Myers Medal, the Alden Bryan Memorial Medal, and the Dong Kingman Award, at the American Watercolor Society, New York, First Prize in the Louisiana Watercolor Society Annual International Exhibition in New Orleans, and numerous other awards in International Exhibitions.
He is a Senior Signature Member and Past President of the Federation of Canadian Artists (SFCA), receiving their Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007, the Canadian Institute of Portrait Artists (CIPA), the Northwest Watercolor Society (NWWS) the California Watercolor Association (CWA), the Louisiana Watercolor Society (LWS),the Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor (CSPWC), and a Dolphin Fellow (the first Canadian to achieve this distinction ) of the American Watercolor Society (AWS., d.f.) In 2006 he was the first international juror of selection for the 105th. Philadelphia Watercolor Society Exhibition, has served as juror of selection, for the 139th. American Watercolor Society International Exhibition in New York, and juror of awards for the 29th. Adirondacks National Exhibition of American Watercolors. Old Forge, New York. He was one of only two Canadians invited to show in the First International Contemporary Watercolor Exhibition in China, and made an honorary Member of the Jiangsu Watercolor Research Institute.
Alan is also a noted mural and mosaic artist, with forty-five completed works in Scotland, Canada and the United States.
EDUCATION: Glasgow School of Art with a degree in Mural Design and Mosaics
RESIDES: BC Canada, was born in Glasgow Scotland
Edinburgh Arts Festival, Scotland
St Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S.
Art Center, New Brunswick University
Yukon Gallery, Whitehorse, Yukon
Fed. Of Canadian Artists, Vancouver
Institute of Fine Art, Glasgow, Scotland
Nova Scotia Society of Artists
Federation of Canadian Artists, Van. BC
BC Govt. Traveling Exhibition
Royal Society of British Artists, England
Royal Soc. of Painters in Watercolour, England
Australian Watercolor Institute
American Watercolor Soc., New York
Northwest Watercolor Society
Louisiana Watercolor Society
Aim for Arts International, Vancouver, BC
Watermedia Masters, Nanjing, China
1956- Silver Medal, Glasgow Art Gallery, Scotland
1960- Governor’s Award, Glasgow School of Art
1964- Professional Award, East Kilbride, Scotland
1968- Don J. Oland Trophy, Halifax, NS
1979- SFCA Senior status- Federation of Canadian Artists
1984- CSMA Signature Status- Canadian Society of Marine Artists
1986/87- President of the Federation of Canadian Artists
1992- Gold Medal- Canadian & Australian International Watercolor Exhibition
1993- “Old Forge Hardware Prize”- Adirondacks Juried Exhibition, New York
1997- “Martin Family Award”- Adirondacks Juried Exhibition, New York
1998- AWS Signature Status- American Watercolor Society
1998- “High Winds Medal”- American Watercolor Society, New York
1998- “Old Forge Hardware Prize”- Adirondacks Juried Exhibition, New York
1998- Gold Medal- Federation of Canadian Artists Signature Members Annual Exhibition
1999- “CFS Medal”- American Watercolor Society, New York
1999- Jack Richeson Award”- California Watercolor Society
1999- “Smith Packing Co., Inc Award’- Adirondacks Juried Exhibition, New York
1999-“Art Associations Award”-Northwest Watercolor Society, Seattle, Washington
1999- “Award of Excellence”- FCA Signature Members Annual Exhibition
2000- NWWS Signature Status- Northwest Watercolor Society
2000- CIPA Signature Status- Canadian Institute of Portrait Artists
2000-“ People’s Choice Award’’- Aim for Arts International Exhibition
2000- Award of Distinction-Louisiana Watercolor Society, New Orleans
2001- “High Winds Medal”- American Watercolor Society, New York
2001- Dolphin Fellowship Status- American Watercolor Society.
2001- Gold Medal Award- California Watercolor Association, San Francisco.
2001- CWA Signature Status- California Watercolor Association.
2001- The Rouse Gold Medallion- Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2001-“ People’s Choice Award ”- Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2002- Forstall Art Supplies Inc.Award-Louisiana Watercolor Society, New Orleans
2002- LWS Signature Status- Louisiana Watercolor Society, New Orleans.
2002- Juror of selection – Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2003- Judith and A.Richard Cohen Award, Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2003- Grand Prize, 1st. Annual “ On The Edge “ Federation of Canadian Artists International Exhibition.
2004- Dong Kingman Award, American Watercolor Society, New York.
2004- Wilcox School of Color Award, Northwest Watercolor Society.
2004- The Adirondack Express Award, Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2004- Spilsbury Gold Medal, Federation of Canadian Artists, Vancouver, B.C.
2005- Helen Budd Burness Memorial Award, Adirondacks National Exhibition, New York.
2005- Juror of Selection- 105th. Philadelphia Watercolor Society International Exhibition.
2006 -Juror of Selection- 139th. American Watercolor Society, New York.
2006- Mario Cooper and Dale Myers Medal, American Watercolor Society, New York.
2006- Third Prize- Northwest Watercolor Society Annual Open Exhibition, Seattle.
2006- First Prize- Louisiana Watercolor Society International Exhibition, New Orleans.
2006- Appointed Ambassador for the American Watercolor Society.
2007- Awarded The Lifetime Achievement Award, Federation of Canadian Artists.
2007- CSPWC Signature Status, Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, Toronto.
2007- Dorothy J Corson Award, Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, Toronto
2007- Anne Williams Glushien Award, American Watercolor Society, New York.
2007- Merit Award, Watercolor Art Society, Houston, Texas.
2007- Second Prize, Northwest Watercolor Society Annual Open Exhibition, Seattle.
2007- Exhibiting in the First Contemporary International Water media Masters, Nanjing, China.
2008- Alden Bryan Memorial Award, American Watercolor Society, New York.
2008- Appointed Honorary Member, Jiangsu Watercolor Research Institute, China.
2009- Second Prize, Canadian Society of Painters in Watercolor, Vancouver.
2010- Juror of Awards, Adirondacks National Exhibition, Old Forge, New York.